
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Rat on Mars

When we are talking about aliens or the life beyond Earth the main question which comes to our mind is "How will they look like??"
Some say that they are very similar to earth creatures. In the resent future NASA got an image from the Curiosity Rover that helps to prove this fact. Because it is very much similar to a mouse.

*Image is colored for better identification.

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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Buildings on Mars

Is there aliens on planet Mars??  This is a question that has a long history!

We also talked a bout this several times in the last year!
Well if you have missed those, here are the links :-

Everyone believes that Mars is a dead planet. And also proved by many scientific facts and approved by many scientists. But they also accepted that there is a chance that aliens has lived on Mars before long time ago. But some clues were found to suspect that still there maybe aliens exist on Mars.

The object found was a structure that we can suspect as a building. My personal idea is that there must be some intelligent creatures or aliens to build something like a building. There is a black ceramic like structure in the photographs, they can be seen easily because it is highlighted because of the background color. The color of the structure is darker than the background so we can not argue this was just an another stone.

We can see a second building in these photographs and it is smaller than the first one.

The question is whether there is or was aliens on Mars, why don't they make connections with Earth or else are they already made their connections?

See you soon! :)
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Friday, February 6, 2015

UFO in Chinese Air Space

Can you guys remember that we talked about some unidentified alien buildings on Laptus, which is one of the moons of Saturn?

Well here is the link if you haven't read it -

This incident was also published by the same person who found out the buildings, Scott Waring.

Normally when an unidentified aircraft enter into some countries airspace it is the job of countries' air force to check and report about it. This is about an unidentified flying object which was chased by two Chinese Jets. Waring has used Google Earth service for this discovery. We all know that Google Earth service consists of satellite images. So it is possible to be recorded something like this in a satellite image.

This flying object appears as a glowing circle like thing. So my personal idea is that this is a flying saucer shaped alien aircraft because according to my knowledge we don't use such shaped planes on Earth. There is also come lines behind the UFO. It appears to be some kind of a smoke trail left by the UFO.According to Mr. Waring this UFO should be larger than a jet.

According to Mr. Waring he has done some discoveries using Google Earth before this one. But Google has removed or edited those satellite images to hide the evidence. But however in this time most of the viewers has checked it out, witnessed and confirmed before Google take action.

Coordinates of this in Google Earth - 32°24’14.46”N 114°32’57.39”E

You are welcome to check it out!

Your ideas, suggestions are mostly welcome!
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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Opportunity Rover meets life on Mars

Can you remember we posted an article about an photograph which twas taken on Mars, In that photograph there was a animal very similar to a mouse. Today we are going to talk about a new photograph which was taken by Opportunity Rover which was on the surface of Mars.
This time rover was been able to capture a life form which was similar to a rabbit. We say that it was like a little rabbit only because it has long ears similar to a rabbit.

According to the scientists surface of planet Mars is filled with toxic dust. If we release a animal like a rabbit it will meet it's death in seconds. BUT we know that there are animals right in the middle of the desserts. So can't we think that these  animals has converted to bare the rough environment in their home planet???

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Gun Gustav (Hitler and Alien Technology)

We talked about the ways that Hitler gained alien technology from our previous article. Science section of the Nazi army has invented many amazing inventions including aircrafts and weapons.  Among these biggest railway gun, sound wave gun, radar invisible aircraft are popular among these. Technology used in these weapons are suspected as technology which is received from aliens. Today we are going to talk about the worlds biggest railway gun, 'Gun Gustav'.

Total weight of this gun was 1350 tons and this gun was named by Nazis as "Schwerer Gustav" meaning "Great Gustav".This gun was capable of firing a target accurately within a 39 kilometer radius. Bullet which was used in this gun was 7 tons. Nazis has even established a special  aircraft regiment to protect this gun.

The cooling systems and the shock absorbing units used in this gun are still new to present weapon manufacturers. It is a mystery how the Nazi scientists developed this technology in such short time period. Even in today there is very few people existing who knows and understands the technology used in  cooling systems and the shock absorbing units used in this gun. As I mentioned earlier it is suspected that the technology used in this gun was received from beyond this world, from aliens.

However this gun was not useful as Hitler expected. This gun was transported as parts and to fix these parts together it was taken a whole day for 250 men. And also to load this gun with a bullet it has taken about half an hour. Except to this there were problems with  building railways. It was not a very practical solution as a weapon used in the war.

See you with the next article about Hitler's Sun Ray gun.

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Monday, January 12, 2015

UFO which caught in camera during Apollo

We all know that NASA launched Apollo mission series for landing on Moon and related activities. Even the man who set foot on the Moon for the first time has stated that he saw strange activities on the Moon. Majority argues that these are alien aircrafts and other related things.

However today we are talking about a object which caught in a camera during the mission that can be suspected as an alien aircraft. In this mission there was two parts. These are "Lunar Module" which landed on the moon and "Command Module" which circled around the moon and stayed connected with the Earth Base. This mysterious object was recorded in a camera which was in the front end of the "Lunar Module". It can not be seen in the normal speed of the video but if we watch in slow motion it is visible because it is moving very fast indeed.

NASA says that this was a mechanical problem in the camera because these videos were recorded in 1968-1970. Or they say that this maybe a piece of a space junk. But this is not very acceptable because in those times amount of space junk in the space are minimal to zero. Also they say that this was the "Command Module" which circling the moon.
But the most common idea is that this was an UFO.

We can not expect NASA to tell truth about aliens. Can we??
However decision is yours.. :)

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Saturday, January 10, 2015

Mysterious object in Isle Town

Isle is a coastal town which is located in state of Carolina,United States. This town's name got very famous lately because in a recent past some people who were walking on the beach has seen something strange in the sky. It was some mysterious glowing objects in the sky above the sea. The most common guess about these objects that these are UFO's. This objects were visible in the sky over 17 minutes. Even media has reported about this incident.

One of the eye witnesses:
"It was little dark and i went to the beach to just get some air. Most of the times we can see many lights in the horizon, those were either helicopters or airplanes. But i saw something different that day and after a little while similar strange lights appeared in the sky. And another one, and another one. So i thought its better to record it in my mobile phones camera."

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