
Sunday, November 23, 2014

Hitler and Alien Technology

What is the first thought that pops in to your mind when you hear the name Hitler? A man who is responsible for taking thousands of innocent lives.

However Nazi army achieved some great technological leaps in a very short time. First missile is also invented by Nazis. How did they do it?
One idea is that Hitler used alien technology to create weapons. As a fact that confirms this idea, we can consider the alien ship which crash landed in Germany in 1937.

However the exact location of the landing is still a secret the rumors says that Nazi army took all the parts of  the ship into a secret base. And rumors says there was some bodies of aliens.
They has taken the ship and the bodies to two different places. One is a warehouse which located inside Germany and other is a laboratory which located near the Austrian border. Both were heavily guarded and it says that German scientists learnt about the technology of the alien ship using reverse engineering techniques. We think that this technology was used to create weapons, plains and other war equipment.

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