
Monday, September 8, 2014

Does the mysterious elephant in Kongo is a UFO experiment???

For the first time, mysterious animal in the Kongo Forest was seen and reported by a French scientist Dr.Bernard Heuvelemans in 1978.
According to the natives those animals are pets of god. These animals are bigger than a normal elephant and have two or four husks. In the areas that these animals are inhabiting strange lights has been reported during the night. These animals are named as 'Kewbiyanza'  in the Africa. The ones who believe UFO believe that these animals are results of some experiments which are done by the aliens.

A piece of a husk which is bought by a German scientist Dr. Emile Gormier during her visit to Ethiopia in early 2000 subjected to reconsider this case. According to the diameter of the husk scientist decided that the animal which belonged that husk must me a really big one. And also according to the age testing using Carbon, it had a history of 20 years.

DNA test was done to the DNA samples which acquired from the husk , by the Missouri University in America.
Test results were the DNA in the husk are 35% similar to an elephant and 65% of the DNA are from a species which is not identified yet! (or from a species not from the Earth)

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