
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Does there is a connection between Malaysian Plane crash and Aliens????

In further history an aircraft MH370 which belongs to Malaysian Airlines was  crashed in the Russian-Ukraine border. Ones who believe aliens believe that alien connection has caused this crash.

Russia and Ukraine both countries refuses to take the responsibility of the incident and both countries complains each other.

How ever a Russian air force officer who doesn't like to mention the name has published some important things.

            "Few minutes before the accident they contacted us,and they informed us that they are been                  chased by three bright lights. But in our radar there was only their plane. We told that to them              but they didn't seem to accept it. The accident has been happened after few seconds from our               last contact. "

The reports of Ukraine Government also confirms the above incident. Those reports also tells that there was no other air crafts other than the Malaysian Airline's MH370 flight in that air space. Meanwhile the device that records important information  about the flight has gone missing,rumors say that government has made the black box disappeared to hide the truth about aliens.

For further reading -

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